Coyote Zapper Instructions – CoyoteVest

Coyote Zapper Instructions

Please note this video is slightly out-of-date and shows our original 2017 version of the CoyoteVest and CoyoteZapper, however the information is still relevant and important so please take a moment to watch.

Step By Step Instructions 

  1. Charge the shock module and the remote and follow the instructions that came in the box to pair them. The batteries last a long time but you have to remember to recharge them periodically. Make sure the red light on the shock module is blinking whenever you use it. 
  2. When you mount the shock module on the collar place the side with the charging port towards the short end of the collar (so that it will be easier to access in the future) and make sure the wires are securely fastened to the shock module terminals with the provided nuts -- this is how you should find it in the box.
  3. IMPORTANT: Make sure the rubber insulator pad is securely in place on the shock module - covering the exposed wires and terminals - whenever you use it on your dog. 
  4. Remove the nylon collar that the CoyoteVest comes with and save it for later.
  5. Mount the long silver strips on the back of the CoyoteVest so that the metal snaps lie in the middle of the Velcro collar area.
  6. Mount the new zapper collar on the vest while making sure the shock module is facing forward so you can see the blinking red light when your dog is wearing it. 
  7. IMPORTANT: You must make sure the metal snaps between the collar and the long silver strips are fully engaged -- or it will not work. One side of the collar has two snaps to accommodate different sizes -- use the snap that lines up best with the strip and leave the other snap unused.
  8. Attach the square strips to the collar. Notice on the underside of the strips that one edge has the silver fabric folded underneath -- this fold must touch the long back strip as show in the picture.
  9. Adjust the collar to fit comfortably around your dog's neck by adjusting the buckle and positioning the shock module evenly so that it remains centered when you snap the collar closed. If your dog has a small neck and you are trying to make the collar as small as possible you may need to create extra slack for the wires. Do this by carefully cutting the fuzzy Velcro with scissors as show in the picture. Make sure you do not cut the wires!
  10. Make sure any loose wires are tucked in between the collar and the shock module so that they will not get snagged.
  11. There is only way one way to know for sure that everything is working - test it. Place the shock module power on level 1 (lowest power) and while lightly touching both silver strips press the button on the remote. You should feel a mild shock - don't worry it's not that terrible on level 1 - just a tingling sensation. If you don't feel anything then something is wrong and it is not working. 
  12. Practice with the remote and make sure you know exactly how to use it with no hesitation. Always make sure you have it set to deliver a shock (as opposed to beep or vibrate) and you have the shock power level set appropriately. Carry the remote in such a way that the buttons will not be accidentally pressed and you can get at it instantly - a lanyard around your neck works well.
  13. The components used in the CoyoteZapper are waterproof but we do not recommend using it when your dog is soaking wet as there is some chance your dog might feel the shock. Also the silver impregnated fabric in the Zapper Strips can be damaged by water PH and mineral content and lose it effectiveness.