In The News – CoyoteVest

In The News

CoyoteVest in the News

International News



CoyoteVest featured on Shark Tank Sunday May 12th 2019.  

Click here for more about our appearance on Shark Tank.


Coyote Protection for Dogs to Combat Rise in Florida Coyote Incidents

The idea behind a coyote vest is to slow down a coyote’s attack on your dog...

How Stuff Works: Stuff You Should Know

Internet Roundup: Google's Hive-Mind Robot Arms & the Coyote Vest for Your Pets

Both cute and effective.

FM106.1 Morning Show Milwaukee  

FM106.1 Morning Show Milwaukee: Radio Interview 

Dude I Want That

CoyoteVest Pet Body Armor

CoyoteVest will make your lap dog look like a mohawked Mad Max BAMF, but that's just a happy side effect.

azfamily.com 3TV

Dog owners turn to spiky vests to prevent coyote attacks

"Nine dogs have been killed [in the neighborhood] since January," Amburgy said.

790 KABC The Drive Home Show

The Drive Home Show: Radio Interview



Popular Mechanics

This Mad Max-ian Vest Could Protect Your Dog From Coyotes: Canine Warfare Has A New Line of Defense

While left unsaid by the Motts, the yellow and black color motif is totally straight out of the 80s-era X-Men/New Mutants comic book, so you're basically turning your dog into a post-punk mutant superhero.

Field and Stream

Man Creates Anti-Coyote Vest for Dogs

The fact is that as predator populations expand into urban areas, they've found that small domestic pets can be easy meals.

Oddity Central

California Couple Invents Spiked Vest That Protects Small Dogs from Coyotes

The CoyoteVest designed by the Mott’s may make their pooches look like members of a canine punk band, but Paul says it will give him time to intervene in case of an attack.

Bark Post

This Punk Rock Vest Just Might Save Your Pup's Life From a Coyote Attack

Eventually, they found something that not only worked, but looked mutherpuppin’ bad***.

Daily Mail

Bite me: California couple invent a Mad Max inspired protective vest for pets after one of their dogs was eaten by a coyote 

The vests are not unlike the armored, spike-covered cars featured in Mad Max: Fury Road 

This Guy’s Dog Was Killed By A Coyote So He Made A Crazy-Looking Vest To Protect Others

The idea is to literally make your dog look too crazy for a coyote to attack.

Madison dog owner gets vest to protect against coyotes (Video)

Madison dog owner gets vest to protect against coyotes March 1, 2016

Madison dog owner gets vest to protect against coyotes

News Article: Grace 'moves around in it as if she's not wearing it."

America's Greatest Makers

See how this crazy-looking invention is helping keep our furry friends safe

"If we can save a single dog, then I will be extremely happy with what we have done."


Turn Your Dog Into a Punk Porcupine Weapon With This Anti-Coyote Kevlar Vest

Coyotes are vicious, omnivorous scamps who do NOT respect the bonds between man and dog.


How a Coyote Attack Turned Canine Armorsmith Paul Mott Into Dog-Park Batman

"I finally realized what I needed to do was to shield the entire back of the dog, and cover the neck area with enough spikes that there’s mathematically no chance that a coyote can successfully bite my dog on the neck."

The Jay Thomas

CoyoteVest Radio Interview

 "CoyoteVest Pet Body Armor"


Southland Family Turns Tragedy Into Hope With New Protective Vest For Dogs

...keep pet dogs safe from other, more aggressive dogs or even wild coyotes.


Vest designed to protect your dog from coyotes

CoyoteVest pet body armor can help save small dogs if they are attacked or bitten by a larger dog or coyote.

CoyoteVest Is the Punk Rock Product that Keeps Your Pet Stylish and Safe From Predators

The American Kennel Club recommends CoyoteVest as a form of protection against the predators, and also advises that dog owners who live in coyote-heavy areas can also protect their pets by supervising their pets outdoor outings, lighting up their yards at night and removing all dog poop from their properties.

The Dog That’s Famous for Not Wanting to Be Eaten by a Coyote

“We have coyotes, bobcats, and javelinas, which are these weird, aggressive pig things. They’ll attack dogs, too.” Because Beanie only weighs a little over eight pounds, hawks picking her up and flying away are also a concern.

CoyoteVest Body Armor For Pets

That coyote is crafty and cunning. His ability to adapt to any environment... In densely populated areas, he prowls at night and, with piercing vision and astute sense of smell, he tracks down and kills household pets.


CoyoteVest on Shark Tank: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Coyote Vests are worn by more than 2,500 dogs around the world. None of these dogs have been injured while wearing the device, which is something that Paul is very proud of. 

Can a Coyote Vest Save Your Dog in a Coyote Attack?

Even if you’ve never seen coyotes in your vicinity, it’s possible they’re there. And if you’ve heard coyotes howling or heard reports that they’re in your area, assume they could approach your pet at any moment.

How to Protect Your Small Dog From a Coyote Attack

So what can be done to help protect your pet other than keeping them locked up inside all day? Enter the CoyoteVest — body armor for your small pet.

Prickly pelt to protect pooches from predators

Rather than training Fido up to fend off the assailants himself, fitting the pet with a prickly protective vest that scares off predatory coyotes might be a more practical option.

Protect your dog from predator attacks with the CoyoteVest

Of course, your dog isn’t only at risk from coyotes. Your little dog is at danger from larger, aggressive dogs, and sometimes they can even be snatched by birds of prey. 

Spiky CoyoteVest keeps pets safe from menacing coyotes 

...not only have they channeled their grief into a way of caring for their remaining pets, they have sold hundreds of vests to other pet owners who are just as concerned about keeping them safe.

Mad Max Post-Apocalyptic Vest Helps Protect Small Dogs from Coyotes

Although you may think your dog looks a little crazy, they will be safer in coyote territory. And they'll definitely be the talk of the town.

 Bald Eagles Are Back. And They Want To Eat Your Pets. 

Owners of small pets have outfitted little dogs and cats in spiked collars and armor-like vests to keep them from becoming bird food.