Third Party Reviews – CoyoteVest
Third Party Reviews

CoyoteVest -

Third Party Reviews

CoyoteVest has been in business since 2015 and has matured into a successful and stable company. We are succeeding at our mission to save lives and have many testimonials to prove that our safety products really do work in the moment of truth -- when an attack is about to happen. It's really an amazing invention.

Since the beginning we've also understood how important it is that our customers really love our products and enjoy using them every day -- otherwise if they're not being used they can't work. So we tried hard to make our products look great and be comfortable and be easy to use, and we think we did a pretty good job.

But don't take our word for it! The internet is full of reviews from independent third parties who have tested and are using CoyoteVest products daily. We really appreciate it when people take the time and effort to evaluate our products and write about them. Anything that helps spread the word about CoyoteVest pet body armor can help save lives.

So if you're considering our products you might feel better if you read some independent reviews.  And so you don't have to spend a lot of time searching the internet, we're going to list some of our favorites right here in this post:


URL: https://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/coyotevest-review

Author: Dogster / Kate MacDonnell / Gizmo

Products: CoyoteVest, SpikeVest, CoyoteWhiskers, HawkEyes, CoyoteCollar

"But we think this vest is well worth it and is an excellent choice for any dog at risk of attack from another animal. It’s well-made, looks cool, and provides peace of mind for owners."


URL: https://www.catster.com/lifestyle/coyotevest-pet-body-armor-review/

Author: Catster / Sara Seitz / Makoa

Products: SpikeVest for Cats, CoyoteWhiskers, CoyoteCollar

"My cat happily wears his vest, collar, and whiskers when we’re out hiking and camping. And I love having the peace of mind that he is better protected from predators should one cross our path."
